News for Members
Volume 18, Issue 6/November-December, 2018
From the President’s Desk
Hello Members
It’s the end of another year and time to turn in schedules if not done yet, also end of the year cash sheets and monies turned in. There was a break-in of the target shed at 300 yd. pits (nothing was missing). Keep your eyes open when at the range. Thanks to Mike Grannis and Larry Beardsley for the repair of the door. Election of officers at the December’s meeting. Again I would like to thank all involved in cutting the grass and keeping the range looking good. Also thanks to Marty Didion for keeping gasoline in the mowers. A big thanks to John Halter his always being there to help.
Thanks for being safe all year…Good Shooting Have Fun Be Safe…Jim Sweeney
Sympathy: Our club extends sympathy to the family of Joe Frieburger (October, 2018) whose father died in early October.
Special thanks: to these members who make a difference for our club!
Thanks…to Larry Beardsley, Mike and Glenna Grannis, who worked on repairs in the pits following a bit of vandalism and on the heater in the yellow building and to Larry Beardsley for setting up the first aid corner in the yellow building.
First Aid Box: A First Aid Box has been placed in the yellow building, on a table over by the heater so things in it won’t freeze and bust.
There is a “Boo-Boo Bag” in the box with Band-Aids and alcohol wipes for little hurts, a lot of pads and gauze along with water to clean things and a bottle of saline solution for eye wash in case someone gets a face full of dirt and needs an eye washout.
Please don’t open the plastic kits just to explore what is in there – but if you need more than what is loose in the box – go for it!
There is also a note in the box with quick “What-To-Do” notes if serious medical help is needed.
This kit should stay out where it can be accessed by our members if they need it.
Sez the Ancient Mariner: “For the last three-thousand years, safety at sea has been based on taking a lot of unnecessary precautions”
Let’s hope we never need any of this stuff.
Question and Answer:
- In the popular .45 ACP handgun cartridge, what does ACP stand for?
- Ammunition Custom Products
b. American Colt Pistol
c. Automatic Colt Pistol
d. None of the above
- Answer: c, Automatic Colt Pistol
Taken from September, 2018 NRA Shooting Sports Insider Newsletter
Range Orientation (Part 16)
- The raised mound that is 50 yards in front of the 100/200-yard Covered Firing Point is not an impact bunker.
- The grassy area at the north end of the 100/200-yard Covered Firing Line may be used for 200-yard position shooting of targets posted on the four-foot-tall target frame. Firing from sitting or prone positions at targets posted on the 2’ X 2’ target frame at 200 yards is not allowed because of the increased risk of a projectile leaving the range due to a high takeoff angle.
- The bench between the 100/200-yard and 300-yard Firing Lines may be used to fire at targets posted on the 4-foot target frames at 200 yards and at Targets 1 through 6 on the 300-yard Target Line.
High Power
The 2018 formal High Power season ended on October 13 with the Mid-Range match. We had a very nice early fall day for the match – a pleasant change from the wet, rainy and cloudy days we have had on many match days this summer.
Nine shooters came out. Awards were as follows:
Tournament Winner** Norb Norden 592-21X $ 8
Second Mark Walters 589-30X $ 5
Third Ron Dague 576-23X $ 3
High Iron Sight Score Norb Norden 199-8X $ 10
High Match 1 Ron Dague 198-13X $ 3
High Match 2 Mark Walters 199-14X $ 3
Incidentally, Norb shot all three matches with iron sights. Who says you’ve got to shot a ‘scope to win….?
We start Winter Offhand Matches on the third Sunday of November (November 18th) at 1:00 P. M. There will be a season long tournament with cash awards at the end of the season. We will shoot the familiar format, 2 strings of 20-rounds each for a total of 40- rounds at 100 yards from the covered firing points at the new building.
I have posted a proposed 2019 Match schedule on the FWRR website. It is similar to what we have done in the past, but I have deleted the Team Match. That match seemed like a good idea, but it never actually generated enough participation to justify the effort for an odd-Saturday Match. Formal Thursday practices were a high point of the season and I plan on continuing them for the coming year. If you have suggestions or ideas, please get them to me and I will look at them.
Thanks to everyone and let’s hope for better weather next year.
ACPDL has had great turnouts for our September and October matches. We have 2 more matches for the year, November and December, as long as the weather cooperates. Terry Thoma had a nice turnout for October’s Thursday night practice.
Susan Renner, ACPDL President
FREE: French MAS-36 carbine, badly sporterized. Probably only surrendered once in the summer of 1940. fwrrhpdirector@aol.com
Treasurer’s report, Secretary’s minutes, and match reports were presented.
Terry Thomas wants the body to know that the Action Pistol practices are open to anyone interested in the sport.
$50 will be sent to the NRA in memory of Rick Stoner who passed away in August.
The Election Committee needs members to run for Club officers and to serve on the committee.
Greetings Fellow Member
We will be conducting our election for officers during the December meeting at Trion Tavern. All members in good standing are invited to participate and support our officers. If you would like to run for an officer or director position please e-mail John Halter before the end of November 2018( jshalter1949@gmail.com) and the member’s name will be placed on the ballot. Thank you, John Halter
2019 Dues
It’s that time of the year! Dues are due for 2019. Remember that “Dues must be received on or before March 1, 2019 to avoid late fees or termination of membership.”
“We all are owners of the club—let’s take as good of care of the range as we do our homes.”
Quote from range orientation.
Please police your brass and trash
Take the time to be sure that both doors on the yellow building are locked!
FWRR November-December, 2018 Schedule
04—Black Powder—9:00A
02—Black Powder—9:00A
04—Tuesday Meeting—Trion— 7:30P#####