FWRR Club Meeting
The next meeting of the Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club will be held on Monday, February 6, 2023.
Meeting Place: VFW Post 857, located at 2202 West Main Street in Fort Wayne.
Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. Food and drink will be available at very reasonable prices before and after the meeting.
Meeting Agenda: Standard-format meeting. Please make an effort to attend meetings, as a quorum is required to conduct club business.
Attendance at the December, 2022 meeting was outstanding. Thanks to all who took the time to attend the meeting at the busiest time of the year.
Election Results
The following individuals were elected to serve.
President: Jim Sweeney
Vice President: Matt Hice
Secretary: Mike Miller
Treasurer: Martin Didion
Director: Larry Beardsley
Program Manager: Ryan Brammer
Range Safety Officer: Larry Beardsley
2023 Membership Renewal
2023 Membership Renewal Forms were mailed in early December. Completed Membership Renewal Forms, proof of current NRA membership, and payments are due on January 1st each year.
When responding, please read and follow the instructions at the top of the form.
Dues must be received on or before March 1st to avoid late fees or termination of membership. Dues received with postmark dates after March 1st, but on or before March 31st, are subject to a $25.00 late fee. Dues received with postmark dates after March 31st will be returned with a notice indicating that 1) the party’s membership has been terminated, and 2) future membership requires submission of a membership application and payment of new member fees (c.f., Bylaws Article IX, Section 2). Dues paid with an NSF check are subject to a $25.00 returned check fee.
If personal hardship prevents timely payment of dues, contact a club officer who may arrange either for dues to be waived or for payment to be deferred.
Individuals who were accepted as members after October 1, 2022 are not required to pay membership dues tor the 2023 calendar year; nevertheless, they do need to return the renewal form with proof of current NRA membership.
Updating the roster is a time consuming activity. Deciphering illegible printing and contacting members to obtain proof of NRA membership are frustrating and time consuming activities.
Renewal Status
At the time of newsletter publication, 58% of the membership renewals had been received and processed.
Special Thanks to Generous Members
The Executive Board wishes to thank the many members who made generous donations this year. Items such as as insurance, facility maintenance, postage, printing, and utilities are recurring expenses. Your generosity goes a long way to making our facility one which we can enjoy and take pride in.
Lock Combination Change
The lock combination change is made on Cleanup Day (mid to late April). Retain your 2022 Membership Card until the change is made or copy the 2022 lock combination onto your 2023 Membership Card.
New Members
Please welcome new members Bruce Bickley, Devon Burton, Jeffery Doherty, Mia King, and Karl Pulver. These individuals were inducted as full members at the December, 2022 meeting.
Discipline Reports
No report
No report.
High-power (HP)
Winter 40-round offhand matches are being held the second Saturday of the month from November through March. Check-in Time: 8:00 a.m. Firing begins at 9:00 a.m. For those who wish to use the range on those days, note that the match is typically over by noon. More information concerning the High Power Program is posted on the Club’s website.
Important Reminders
Some of these reminders are repeated from earlier newsletters. They are being repeated because violations are still occurring. Several members have reported violations but failed to advise offenders. If you see someone in violation, please courteously explain the rule infraction.
DO NOT HANDLE FIREARMS WHEN PERSONNEL ARE DOWN RANGE! Proper range etiquette involves opening actions, removing all ammunition from firearms, and stepping away from the firing line.
DO NOT POST TARGETS ON TARGET FRAMES OR OTHERWISE INTENTIONALLY SHOOT TARGET FRAMES. All shots should pass through target backers and must land on impact bunkers.
THE RANGE STATUS FLAG MUST BE LOWERED AND RAISED EVEN IF YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON ON THE RANGE. Ensure that targets are removed and the status flag is lowered before departing the range.
Newsletter Delivery
Changes to newsletter delivery mode will go into effect with the mailing of the April 2023 Newsletter.
Sad News
Member Steve Clouse passed away in December, 2022. He loved bowling, riding his Goldwing, camping, four-wheeling, and shooting with his best friend, club member Chip Seidel.
For Sale
Two (2) Russian 1891/30 7.62x54R Mosin Nagant rifles with bayonets. Price: $400.00/each. Two (2) cases of 7.62x54R ammunition. Price: $250.00/440 rounds. Contact Joe Hoffman at (260) 433-0402 or joeseph6430@frontier.com.
Members who wish to sell shooting-related items may send ad information to Marty Didion at martindidion4@gmail.com. Ads must be received two weeks before meetings in order to appear in the next newsletter.