On Thursday afternoon we shot a 100-yard match as a warm-up for the Fall Creek 100-Yard State Championship on Saturday 14 September. It was a warm afternoon, and not a weekend match, but 12 shooters showed up and we had to expand the match to a two relay match. Thanks to all who came out – it just goes to show that if we offer a match; people will come.
Now, before you think that shooting a match at 100-yards should be simple, as we simulate longer and longer distances – the black of the target stays the same size, but more and more scoring rings get crammed into that 6-inch black center. At a simulated 600-yards, the whole black is only about 1 ½ minutes wide!
Not surprisingly, Mike King took the top spot with a 490-20X score. But, his 198-8X at simulated 600 wasn’t the top score in that stage. Gary Mabis took second with a 488-11X – but with a 199-8X at simulated 600. Jim Jackson took third with a 485, with a 199-10X at the simulated 600 yard stage. Marshall Rohrbach took fourth place and High Junior with a 484-14X – solidifying his NRA Master Classification and just one stinkin’ point out of an NRA High Master score. (That’s why it’s so hard).
Welcome to two new shooters; Aria Noel and Chris who shot their first sorta’ formal match with us. And, good luck to the shooters who go to the Fall Creek match this weekend. Knock ‘em down and make FWRR proud of you!