Team N-Squared (Norb Norbert and Tom Nagle) were the top team in the Leonard Johnson Memorial Match shot on Saturday September 21st. Team Johnson and Johnson (Jerry and Doug) were the runner-ups with a close second place finish.
The Leonard Johnson Memorial Match is shot in honor of Leonard Johnson (Jerry’s father and Doug’s grandfather), a long time FWRR member and a collegiate small-bore champion. Leonard was active in small bore and high power shooting, so the Leonard Johnson Memorial Match is a combination of the two disciplines. It is a team match. It is shot with .22-rimfire rifles at 200-yards (yes, 200 yards with a .22-rimfire) and center fire rifles at 300-yards. Then to make the game more interesting, it is shot on the SR-42 target, a 200-yard reduction of the SR-3 300-yard target. Then, atop that – when the shooters move back to 300-yards, they still shoot on that 200-yard reduced target. The match has been called “The Toughest 2-Man Team Match in the Country”.
This year’s match ran afoul of two other state level competitions, so only two teams competed – but there was still some outstanding shooting. In the 200-yard stage, for Team Johnson and Johnson – Jerry Johnson shot a 194-6X with a 99-4X second string, but youth and sharper eyes overcame old age and experience as Doug Johnson shot a 196-5X.

Team N-Squared were close with Tom Nagle posting a 193-5X and Norb’s 191 – 1X. The match went to 300-yards with Johnson and Johnson in the lead by 6-points. But, at 300-yards heat and eyesight began to take their toll on both teams and N-Squared crept up on Johnson and Johnson. N-Squared captured a 334-6X aggregate to Johnson and Johnson’s 325-4X. For the day, Team N-Squared came away with a 718-12X aggregate to Johnson and Johnson with a 715-15X.

Just wait until next year though. We will shoot this match in August, after the NRA and CMP National Matches and before the Indiana State matches to enable more shooters to participate.
And, thanks to all of the shooters for donating their award winnings to the FWRR Juniors!
The FWRR High Power season will close On October 19th with a 3 x 20 300-yard Prone Match. Make plans to come out for this last match – make me schedule four relays!