We kicked off Winter Offhand on Saturday 9 November on a crisp fall day. It was a dull day – not a lot of light and just cold enough that you could see breath from most of the shooters. There was plenty of help to get set up and we started shooting about 8:45 when we had 12 shooters, one good full relay.
This winter we are shooting in a two class system – High Masters and Masters are Class AA shooters, Experts and below are Class A shooters. Scores and awards will be made in both classes with the best four scores of the five match season counting toward the season totals.

In today’s match, the Class AA top slot went to Mike King with a 389-12X tally. Top score in Class A and High Junior went to Mia King with her 369-4X score.

Then after the Winter Offhand match closed out, two other activities shared the range. The Winter Forty group held their first bi-weekly match with 8 shooters and the Junior Class of 2025 had a class and shooting session.
The Junior Class of 2025 had six shooters in attendance and after the class session (which included a presentation on shooter respect and safety) a shooting session focusing on sight alignment, trigger control and sight adjustment to center shot groups was conducted.
Thanks to Kileen and Mia for helping with the classroom presentations and additional thanks to Mia and Marshall for their help in mentoring the Class of 2025 in their shooting session.

It was a busy morning at the range with three groups sharing the facilities and managing to play well together. The next Winter Forty match will be in two weeks on Saturday November 23rd and the next Winter Offhand/Class of 2025 session will be on December 14th. Put the dates on your calendar and come out and shoot with us!