FWRR Club Meeting: The next meeting of the Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club will be held on Monday, February 3, 2025. Meeting Place: VFW Post 857, located at 2202 West Main Street in Fort Wayne. Meeting Time: 7:30 p.m. Meeting Agenda: Standard format meeting.
Election Results: Election results are as follows,
President: Jim Sweeney
Vice President: Mark Walters
Secretary: Joseph Penepent
Treasurer: Martin Didion
Director: Jay Wehrle
Program Manager: Mark Walters
Range Safety Officer: Larry Beardsley
Thanks go to out-going officers Ryan Brammer, Mike Miller, and Mike Toscos for their many years of service. Thanks also go to the many members who took time from their busy holiday schedules to attend the meeting. Turnout was outstanding.
2025 Membership Renewal: 2025 Membership Renewal Forms were mailed in early December. To date, more than 40 % of the membership have completed the renewal process.
When returning the form, please remember to include proof of current NRA membership. Either a photocopy of the membership card or magazine label (or the label itself) are acceptable forms of proof. If a photocopy of a membership card is submitted, it must display the expiration date. Cards marked “Annual” and displaying no date are unacceptable.
Completed Membership Renewal Forms, proof of current NRA membership, and payments are due on January 1st each year. Dues must be received on or before March 1st to avoid late fees or termination of membership.
Dues received with postmark dates after March 1st, but on or before March 31st, are subject to a $25.00 late fee. Dues received with postmark dates after March 31st will be returned with a notice indicating that 1) the party’s membership has been terminated, and 2) future membership requires submission of a membership application and payment of new member fees (c.f., Bylaws Article IX, Section 2).
Dues paid with an NSF check are subject to a $25.00 returned check fee.
If personal hardship prevents timely payment of dues, contact a Club Officer who may arrange either for dues to be waived or for payment to be deferred.
Individuals who were accepted as members after October 1, 2024 are not required to pay membership dues to the 2025 calendar year; nevertheless, they do need to return the renewal form with proof of current NRA membership.
Special Thank You: Sincere thanks go to the many members who have donated funds to the Club. Your generous donations allow the Club to continue to provide dues-free membership to Senior members and to make facility improvements.
In years past, the Treasurer has placed a personal note of thanks on the back of donors’ membership cards. Donations were so numerous this year, in consideration of the time involved, the practice was abandoned; nevertheless, please know that your donations are greatly appreciated.
Lock Combination Change Reminder: Retain your 2024 Membership Card until the lock combination change is made is made on Cleanup Day (mid to late April, 2025).
Maintenance Activities: Gate gate lock was replaced.
Reminder: Only Club members are permitted to attend Club meetings.
New Members: Please welcome new members Karl Klemm and Jeffery Shappel. These gentlemen were inducted as full members at the December, 2024 meeting.
Sad Newsletter: The Club has learned of the passing of Dean Didioin (membership 1998) and Michael Toscos (membership 2000). Both men were avid High Power Rifle shooters. Dean served as Club Treasurer and Mike served as a Director and also as High Power Range Officer.
Discipline Reports:
ACPDL (Allen County Practical Defense League)
ACPDL matches are scheduled for February 1, 2025 and March 1, 2025. Only ACPDL members are permitted to shoot. The pre-match meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. and shooting commences at 9:30 a.m. Observers and those persons interested in becoming ACPDL members are welcome. Matches are typically finished by 12:00 noon.
USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association)
The first USPSA match of the season will be held on March 16, 2025
PCSL (Practical Competition Shooting League)
The first USPSL match of the season will be held on March 9, 2025. Match time is 10:00 a.m. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. New shooter orientation begins at 9:50 a.m. Rifles in caliber .223 and pistols in calibers 9 mm, .40 and .45 are used in this competition. Rounds counts are 120/match for rifles and 60/match for pistols. Matches are typically finished by 2:00p.m.
Cowboy Action
Cowboy Action matches will resume on April 26, 2025.
High-power (HP)
Winter Offhand Matches are shot on the second Saturday of the month, November through March. Registration and setup begins at 8:00 a.m. Match start time is 9:00 a.m. or whenever we get a full relay to start things off.
The Winter 40 Matches follow the Winter Offhand and the Class of 2025 Junior Classes are held after Winter Offhand.
Electronic Target System Training Class: The Club has purchased a Silver Mountain Electronic Target System that will be made available to individual members for use at the range. Users must be trained before access to the system is granted. The next training session is scheduled for March 8, 2025 after the Winter Offhand Matches (approximately 11:30 a.m.).
Distinguished Shooter Listing: The Club would like to have a listing of members who have been awarded Distinguished Rifleman and Pistol Shot Badges. If you are a Distinguished Shooter, or if you know a club member not now living who was Distinguished, please notify Larry Beardsley (fwrrhpdirector@aol.com).
For Sale:
Caliber .223, 77 gr. and 80 gr. Sierra MatchKing bullets. Boxes of 500, $160.00 each.
Jaggi Shooting Glasses Frame with extra nose piece, lenses, blinders and case: $125.00. Contact Marty Didion at martindidion4@gmail.com.
Members who wish to sell shooting-related items may send ad information to Marty Didion at martindidion4@gmail.com. Ads must be received three weeks before meetings in order to appear in the next newsletter