2025 High Power Match Bulletin – NRA Approved Matches

Dates of Matches: 

May 10, 2025              50/80/100 shot match

June 13, 2025             50/80/100 shot match

June 15, 2025               50 shot match

June 26, 2025              50-shot, 100-yard match

July 12, 2025  50/80/100 shot match

September 13, 2025              50/80/100 shot match

Sponsor:  Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club

Location:  Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club Range; 15715 Rupert Road; Harlan, IN.

                   For detailed instructions:  https://fwrrclub.org/index.php/how-to-find-us/

Competition Open To:  These matches are open to all competitors who may legally possess firearms. Membership in the NRA or Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club is not required.  All competitors who do  have not previously done so must sign a Release of Liability at check-in.  Junior shooters must execute a Release of Liability with parent or guardian signature at registration

Entry Fee:      

Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club members:   50/80 shot matches    $15.00

                                                                                    100 shot matches        $20.00

Affiliated Club members:                                           50/80 shot matches    $15.00

                                                                                     100 shot matches        $20.00

Non-members (FWRR or affiliated)                        50/80 shot matches    $20.00

                                                                                     100 shot matches        $25.00

Registration:  Pre-registration may be made by contacting the Match Director; FWRRHPDirector@aol.com.  Pre-registration requests for specific targets and relays will be honored inasmuch as possible. 

Day of match registration:  For afternoon matches, registration and setup opens at 3:45 PM. Registration closes at 4:15 PM.

For morning matches, registration and setup opens at 7:30 AM. Registration closes at 8:35 AM.

Firing:  First shot will go down range promptly at 4:30 PM for afternoon matches, 9:00 AM for morning matches.

Match Rules:  These matches will be shot in accordance with the NRA High Power Rifle Rules (Revised January 2024).  Coaching will be allowed for Juniors with classifications of Unclassified Master, Marksman or Sharpshooter (Rule 19.4.1).

This rulebook maybe found at:  https://competitions.nra.org/media/9388/2024-high_power_rifle_rules.pdf

Course of Fire:   These matches will be fired as an NRA Approved Tournament.  Competitors may choose to shoot a 50-shot National Match Course (Rule 7.14), an 80-shot Regional Match Course (Rule 7.15) or a 100-shot Regional Match Course (Rule 7.16).  The 600-yard stages of these matches will be shot at 300-yards on the MR-63 target.

Awards:   Awards will be made based on competitor NRA Classification and the number of competitors firing in each classification.  Classifications may be combined if fewer than three competitors in a category.

General Information:  All matches will be fired on Silver Mountain electronic targets; no pit duty but competitors will be expected to assist in setup and tear-down of targets.

Any safe ammunition my be used.  No tracers, incendiary of explosive ammunition may be used. “Green tip” ammunition is allowed.

Match grade ammunition is available to Junior shooters at reasonable cost (typically 35-cents per round, but subject to change).

No food is available at the range, no lunch breaks. 

Contact Information:  For additional information about the Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club, visit our website at FWRRClub.org.

For match information, contact FWRRHPDirector@aol.com.