Construction Starts on New 100-Yard Firing Point

On Saturday September 26th, during the Leonard Johnson Match, Eicher Concrete called and asked if we were ready to move dirt for the new 100-yard firing point. It was short notice, but as you know, when you get a construction guy ready to go – you don’t put things off!

Eicher concrete moving a lot of dirt in a short time!

Eicher Construction was going to move excess dirt from the south end of the 200-yard practice berm and FWRR member Ted Smeltzer, who lives nearby, was going to use his Bobcat loader to level and feather dirt at the edges of the pile. Well, that plan went awry when Ted blew a track on his Bobcat.

This is a blowout on a Bobcat – dern the luck!

We put two truckloads of dirt on the firing point and put another load of loose dirt aside to do edges of the firing point and to fill some potholes and wet places on the range. The operator for Eicher did some leveling and packing with his excavator and we got the dirt pile roughly profiled.

Packing the pile and leveling it off

This is about what it is going to look like – we hope to get it all leveled and seeded before frost this year.

It’s a start – the new 100-yard firing point

This firing point will give us a 100-yard point for the electronic targets. Now, how are we going to use it?

We will shoot an NRA Approved Hundred Yard National Match Course next summer on one Thursday evening practice session every month, we will see if the Hoosier Home Range Hundred carries on into the new year and we are investigating the possibility of hosting the ISRPA Reduced Range State Championship in 2021.

I shouldn’t have to say this – but guys – please don’t drive across the fresh pile of dirt – it isn’t an off-road obstacle