Our June match was remarkable for its beautiful weather, but the July match started out like a typical Camp Perry day.  There was a steady downpour at the appointed start time, so we waited a bit to start setup. The rain slacked up, we went downrange to set up targets and the downpour came back with a vengeance – drenching us as we set up targets.  But, by the time we finished, came back up and had our safety briefing – the rain had stopped.  By the time the second relay came to the line the sun was shining and it turned out to be a very nice day after all.

The second relay is just finishing their Offhand stage as the sun breaks out.

We had seven shooters turn out for the match – there were a number of schedule conflicts that kept the entries lower than expected and high gas prices also kept some shooters away from the match. We had an impressive showing of parents and grand-parents for the match; the ability to watch shooters in real-time on the Silver Mountain target system makes high power shooting a more viewer friendly activity as spectators can watch a shooter’s progress shoot-by-shot.

Larry (FWRR High Power RO), Madelyn, Emma, Colton, Marshall, Addysin and Kileen

Madelyn Schnelle, who recently went Distinguished, took the Indiana Junior State Championship for the second consecutive year with a 489-16X score for the 50-round National Match Course.  Emma Branson took second place with a 475-11X closely followed by Colton Eads with 473-10X.

Madelyn repeats as Indiana Junior High Power Champion

Class awards were:

High Master    Colton Eads                 473-10X

Expert             Marshall Rohrbach      467-  4X

Sharpshooter Kileen Shaffer              440-  3X            

Marksman      Emma Branson            475-11X

Stage awards were:

Offhand          Marshall Rohrbach        92-0X

Sitting Rapid   Madelyn Schnelle       100-4X

Prone Rapid    Emma Branson            99-2X

Slow Prone     Madelyn Schnelle       196-8X

Indiana Juniors and “Old Coots” Team Match

In the afternoon fun match, Juniors were teamed up with “old coot” shooters to form two-person teams. The team of Madelyn Schnelle and John Halter took the top spot with a team score of 197-5X. It should be noted that the high score in that match was shot by Colton Eads as his last match with us before he leaves for Texas A&M this fall – a 100-3X clean at 300-yards on the miserable MR-63 target.

Madelyn and John – Team Match Winners 197-5X

While the attention was on the shooters, the match was made a success by the folks who helped in the background.  Mike and Glenna Grannis acted as our Stat Office – doing their usual fantastic job of keeping all the numbers and dollars straight.  Mark Walters (assisted by Marty Didion) did a great job putting together a memorable lunch and our range crew had the place looking like one of the better golf courses – not a hayfield with a bunch of targets set up in it.  Thank you to everyone who stepped up and made it a great day.

Our next match is a 3 x 20 round Mid-Range tournament on July 30, so keep that on your calendar.