Range Improvements in Progress

Here is an overview of some of the range improvements being done this week:

Members are asked not to drive over areas that have been graded, seeded and strawed until further notice.

Filling in deadspots and low places in front of the 100-yard covered firing points
Working on the low end of the covered 100-yard firing line. The low place at that end that tended to pond is gone..
Moving dirt at the north end of the 100-yard berm improves the sight line downrange to the 200-yard target frames – a safety improvement
The excavating contractor is getting ready to move dirt from the north end of the 200-yard berm to improve the 100-yard high power firing line
We are grading and leveling the 100-yard high power firing points as well as correcting the drainage issues with those shooting positions

Additional work will be done to correct drainage issues at the north end of the covered 100-yard firing line targets as well as work west of the 300-yard high power firing points


About noon I received a call to come take a look at the work on the 100-yard high power firing line.

The green patch shows how wide the firing line was prior to the improvements. It is considerably wider, longer and more gradually sloped now.

I was extremely pleased with the improvements. The north end of the line was raised about 2 feet – leveling the line across the firing positions. The flat top of the line was widened out – giving shooters about three or more feet of surface to lay on. At the south (low end) of the line the shooting berm was extended about 6 feet; giving an additional firing position at the low end to ease the crowding we had when we tried to put 8 shooters on the line.

Finally, the drainage issues have been addressed – the north end has a swale that will allow water to drain away from the west side (front) of the firing line. Some additional swale work remains to be done in the next day or two at the south end to cut a drainage there to move water from the 200-yard target stand area.

And – a great mystery has been solved. Years ago we had a wind flag at the end of the 200-yard berm, but we lost the pipe that the flagstaff fit into. Well – the missing pipe was found today- buried about a foot deep!

The long lost wind-flag

Members are asked not to drive over areas that have been graded, seeded and strawed until further notice.