The 2024 High Power season opened on Saturday with a 50/80 match. This was a “fun” match to let us work out the kinks, find the things that we had forgotten and the things we needed to work on before we shoot a match for CMP or NRA classifications.
And, there were several things we forgot. As we started shooting, some people reported cross fires on their targets, some folks had missing shots on targets and even some shooters had no issues at all. What in the world was going on?
We called “CEASE FIRE” and went down range to straighten things out. It turned out we had moved the target frames one lane to the right – target 3 was in front of number board 4, five was in front of 6 – and so on all the way down the line. Shooters on either end of the line just shot the target at the end of the target lines, some shooters in mid line counted targets and some used the number boards. But, we got it figured out and things went on after a bit of confusion,
It was a brisk day, temperatures in the high 40’s, intermittently cloudy, partly cloudy and at times even sunny. The wind was fairly steady out of the west at about 10 MPH (predominantly from about 12 o’clock). It wasn’t hand numbing cold, but there were several drippy noses and rosy cheeks.
We had eleven shooters. We would like to welcome newcomers Charles Novak, Tim Jackson and Jeff McCullough to the high power group.
For the shooters firing the 80-round match, Mike King took top honors with a 785-25X. Marshall Rohrbach (Junior) took second with 764-16X, Jim Jackson was third with 756-12X and Kileen Shaffer (another Junior) closed out the top four shooters with a 750-13X.
For the 50-round match, Jess Jessup took top honors with a 470-11X followed by Tim Jackson’s 434-4X .
Congratulations to the shooters who came out on top of the standings and Thanks to everyone who came out for the day. It was a good day.
Next Saturday, April 27 is our Range Clean-up Day. The fun will start about 8:00 depending on task but work will continue until early afternoon, so if you can’t be there early – come on out anyway.
Our next High Power Match will be on Saturday, May 18. Registration and set-up will start about 7:00. Registration will close at 7:45 and the first shot will be at 8:00 sharp. If we have a two or three relay match, we should be done by noon or so, so plan to come out and shoot with us!