FLASH MATCH – Saturday March 30, 2024

You’ve heard of Flash Mobs – not a good thing – but we have a Flash Match (a good thing). By popular demand, we have set up a match that we didn’t have on our original 2024 schedule.

On Saturday, 30 March we will have a 3 x 600 (Reduced) match at the FWRR Range. It will be a lot like our Mid-range matches, 3 strings of fire – 20 rounds for record on the MR-63 reduced 60-yard target. Each string will be a 25 – minute time limit with all of the sighters you want to fire before you go for record prior to each string.

We will shoot on electronic targets, so bring your display device and a hot battery for it.

Entry fee is $20.00. This is not a formal match registered with anybody – it’s just us having fun. 50% of entry fees go out as prizes; top three shooters if less than 10 entries – top 5 if 10 or more. This is a benefit match for the Juniors and the “Count the Bullets” Jar will be there with chances to purchase opportunities to make your estimate of the bullets in the jar.

Sign-in and setup will open about 8:00 or 8:15 – registration closes at 8:30 and shooting starts when I get a full relay – or about 9:00 when if looks like everybody who is coming has arrived.

Come on out and get an early start to the 2024 season.

March 2024 Winter Offhand – Breakfast with the Juniors

Winter Offhand for the 2023-2024 season is over and as that great philosopher and intellectual Yogi Berra might have put it; “The fat lady has sung”.  As we went into the final match of the season, there were three people in contention for the top spots, Mike King, Mark Walters and Marshall Rohrbach.  We had predicted a close finish if Mike stumbled a bit and Marshall brought his A-game and we were not disappointed.

It was an overcast and dark day with some wind from the northwest, but all in all, not a bad day to shoot – certainly not a dreary rainy day that we had been promised earlier in the week.  Mark Walters took high score for the day with a 384-6X and Marshall did indeed bring his A-game, matching Mark’s 384, but with only a 4X-count.  Mark Creedmoored him.  Mike King slipped just a little bit (well, for Mike) with “only” a 381-7X.  Even so, Mike held on for a season win.

It wasn’t a bad day to close out the Winter Offhand season

For the 2023- 2024 Winter Offhand season, the top five shooters were:

Mike King                           1536-31X             (Four matches)

Mark Walters                    1522-21X             (Four matches)

Marshall Rohrbach           1506-25X             (Four matches, High Junior)

Gary Mabis                         1419-  9X             (Four matches)

Kris Hartwig                       1069-  6X             (Three matches)

Congratulations to these top five shooters – and one lesson that can be taken from these standings is that if you want to finish at the top, you need to be there to shoot!  You can’t leave points on the table with this crowd.

Breakfast with the Juniors was a great success. No one went home hungry!

BUT – then after the match, we had Breakfast with the Juniors.  The clubhouse that usually smells like wet boots and gun oil had a different aroma today; sausages, gravy, biscuits, eggs and fresh coffee. The Juniors put out a great breakfast spread and if anyone went home hungry – well it was their own fault!  About 30 people came to breakfast – thanks to everyone for coming out. 

Thanks to Gary, Mia, Sajea and Wendy for their help in putting the event together.  It went so well we are considering Lunch with the Juniors later on in the summer.