The construction of the new 100-yard firing point has gone as far as it can this Fall.  Ted Smeltzer got a new (at least a replacement) track for his Bobcat and he finished up the remaining dirt moving work.  The top is smoothed off nicely and there is a gentle slope front-to-back at the firing positions.   He also did a very nice job of feathering in the ends and edges.


Today I fertilized and seeded the bare dirt with a tough football field grade turf seed that Ag-Plus said would grow on chipped concrete (at least that was the claim).  With rain the rest of the week it should get a chance to water in and sprout a bit before we get any really hard freezes that would freeze the dirt.  We’ll see what happens; we may need to hit it with some Ryegrass overseed next spring.

It appears that our local deer herd likes the new firing position – there were a lot of deer tracks in the moist dirt this afternoon – it looks like all of the four-footed neighborhood kids were playing King of the dirt pile on the mound.