The October 9 Mid-Range Match has been changed to an 80-round NRA Regional Match that will also be one of the matches that will count as the 2021 Governor’s Cup Match.

Due to conditions at Camp Atterbury, the ISRPA had to change the format of this year’s ISRPA State Championship matches. Instead of a two-day match at Camp Atterbury, the match is being shot at two sites; Wildcat Valley Rifle and Pistol Club and Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club and is being conducted in two one-day sessions.

The first set of matches for the 1600-point State Championship was conducted on 11 September (800-points) and on 9 October the second set of matches will be conducted at the same two sites. These two matches are also the 2021 Governor’s Cup matches.

Registration is now open – for more information or to register, contact Larry Beardsley at: