It was noted that several projects would be ongoing even though Work Day was formally over. One of the jobs that did not get dome was the repair of the doors on the uhhh, facility – OK, the outhouse.
The high winds in early March ripped the doors off of both sides of the outhouse, leaving the facility open to the weather and full view of anyone who happened by. After Work Day a crew was able to complete the repairs and to make improvements to the facility.

Our Improved Facilities
Not only were the doors repaired, a fence was added in front. This is not just a privacy fence, it will help protect the doors from the winds that sweep across the open area at the range. A gravel pad was also added at the doorways, hopefully helping to keep mud and grass out of the offices.

AND, a bit of country etiquette; as a courtesy to the next user, pick up and throw away any loose paper that might be littering the area before you leave and – just like at home – close the lid. BUT, none of this will, work if the doors are not securely latched after you finish your business. Please make sure the doors close and that the latch ‘clicks’ in place as you depart.