After a rain-out of the match scheduled for April (or was it a snow-out?) we caught a great day for the CMP Games Match. No wind, lots of sun but not so much as to burn us up or melt us down. 17 shooters turned out and shot 25 matches (several folks shot two or more rifles).
In a CMP Games Match, we have a category for just about any rifle you want to shoot and yesterday was no exception. We had five shooters with As-issued M1 Garands and four of those shooters fired Silver Medal scores:
Mark Walters 276-3X
Ron Dague 273-4X
John Halter 273-4X
Jeff Beierke 271-3X
Three shooters fired Unlimited Garands, three shooters brought 1903 or 1903A3 Springfields, and there were three entries with M1917 “Enfield pattern” bolt rifles. And, rounding out the old rifle entries – Mark Walters brought out an M1 Carbine and fired one of the top three Offhand scores of the day (91-0X) with it!

Mark Walters also shot a Silver medal score with a borrowed 1903A3 Springfield and Jeff Beierke shot a 269-2X with the M1917 for a Bronze medal.
Three shooters entered in the Modern Military category and all three qualified with medal scores:
Aaron Kohler 280-6X (Silver) … with a 100-4X clean in the prone rapid stage
Jess Jessup 275-7X (Bronze)
Gary Mabis 274-3X (Bronze)

The unlimited Modern Military class had the most shooters, and with the scoped rifles at 200-yards, the competition was intense!
When the smoke cleared and the Cease Fire was called, results were:
Marshall Rohrbach (Junior) 291- 7X (Silver) (High score of any category for the day!)

Jim Jackson 289-11X (Silver)
Gary Mabis 286- 7X (Silver)
Kileen Shaffer 279-10X
But – the competition for bragging rights in Unlimited Modern Military was most intense in the Slow Prone stage. There was just no room for a mistake in that bunch:
Kileen Shaffer (Junior) 100-7X (Creedmored them!)

Jim Jackson 100-6X
Gary Mabis 100-5X
Colton Eads (Junior) 100-5X

Marshall Rohrbach (Junior) 99-3X (Drop one point and come in fifth, a tough crowd indeed!)
It looks like young eyes help a lot!

Our next match will be the Midsummer Madness weekend in June; a 50-round match on Friday afternoon – June 17th, a 50/80 Match on Saturday, June 18th and a Mid-Range and M1A Match on Sunday, June 19th. It will be a full weekend of shooting to celebrate the start of summer. Mark your calendars and shoot as many sessions as you can!