Date: Saturday, July 16, 2022
Sponsor: Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association
Location: Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club Range, 15715 Rupert Road, Harlan, IN 46743 Google: “15715 Rupert Road, Harlan IN” for detailed directions.
Contact Information: For additional information, contact the FWRR High Power Match Director, Larry Beardsley, at FWRRHPdirector@aol.com.
Open To: NRA or ISRPA membership not required. All competitors must have a Release of Liability Agreement on file with FWRR, or must complete the Release at registration. Competitors must sign the Liability Release and a Parent, Guardian or an Authorized Adult must witness the signature. An Authorized Adult must have signed Parental or Guardian consent to sign the Release of Liability.
Entry Fee: $30.00, payable at Statistics Office on Match day. Cash or checks only please; no credit cards can be processed.
(Match fees may be reduced by grants or sponsorships)
Ammunition: Any safe ammunition permitted – No tracers or incendiary rounds.
Time: Registration opens at 7:30 and closes at 8:30. First shot – promptly at 9:00 A.M. Lunch will be available – free to competitors and may be purchased for $10.00 by non-competitors.
Pre-Registration: Pre-registrations are encouraged. Register at FWRRHPDirector@aol.com. Walk-in registrations will be accepted up to a range capacity of 28 competitors. Adults may fire as “Out of Competition” shooters if range capacity allows. Parents and sponsors of Competitors will be given preference for “Out of Competition” slots.
Course of Fire: NRA 50-Round National Match Course. The 600-yard stage will be fired at 300-yards on the MR-63 reduced target.
Rules: 2022 NRA High Power Rules will apply. Match and Service rifles will be permitted. NRA Classifications will be used. A Match Jury will be empaneled.
Per NRA Rule 19.4.1, Coaching will be allowed for Junior shooters who have not established an NRA or CMP classification, or who are classified as NRA or CMP Marksman.
Targets: The matches will be shot on Silver Mountain Electronic Targets. Competitors are required to provide their own display device (Tablet, IPhone, IPad) or similar device. Competitors are responsible for having enough battery capacity in their devices to support the operating time required for a match.
If, in the judgment of the Range Officer, a competitor is shooting in a manner that endangers the range equipment, that competitor will be withdrawn from the match and their match fees refunded.
Match Structure: NRA Registered Match
Match 1– 200yds, slow fire, standing, 2 convertible sighters and 10 shots for record
Match 2 – 200yds, rapid fire, sitting, 2 sighters and 10 shots for record, 63 seconds
Match 3 – 300yds, rapid fire, prone, 2 sighters and 10 shots for record, 73 seconds
Match 4 – Simulated 600yds, slow fire, prone, 2 convertible sighters and 20 shots for record
Match 5– Course Aggregate: Matches 1-4. Match 5 winner will be the Indiana Junior State Champion, subject to residency requirement.
Awards: Match Winners: An award will be presented to the winner of each Match.
Classification Winner: The high scoring competitor in each Classification will be presented an award. Classifications will be combined until a minimum of three Competitors are represented in each Classification.
Residency: Indiana Junior State Champion must be an Indiana resident.