The Range Warning System is ready for use at the 100-yard covered firing points. The installation was finished on Wednesday, 11 October. Some labels remaining to be installed, but all of the range functions are active.

Center line alarm station and control station

At the center of the covered 100-yard line is an alarm and control station. The center line control switch, along with the switches at the north and south end of the line activate the alarm station.

The alarm stations include a warning horn and a white strobe light.
Labeled switch plate

The alarm system can be activated from any of the three switch stations. If the system is activated from any station, it must be deactivated from the same station when the line status is changed. For example, if the system is activated at center line, it cannot be turned off at the south end of the line. If the system is activated from multiple stations, all stations must be turned off to deactivate the system.

The system is powered from a switch located inside the south door to the clubhouse. The system should remain powered on at all times.

As of now, unless we get an extended stretch of good weather in the next couple of weeks, work will resume on the system at the 200-yard covered points in the Spring of 2024.

Oh – by the way – we have a beautiful stand of grass on the areas that were graded and seeded earlier this fall.