FWRR Club Meeting
The next meeting of the Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver Club will be held on Monday, February 5,2024. Meeting Place: VFW Post 857, located at 2202 West Main Street in Fort Wayne. Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Agenda: Standard meeting format. New business topics will include a discussion of Cleanup Day activities. Please make an effort to attend meetings, as a quorum is required to conduct club business.
2024 Membership Renewal
2024 Membership Renewal Forms were mailed in early December, 2023. To date, approximately 55% of the membership has responded.
Dues must be received on or before March 1st to avoid a late fee or termination of membership. Dues received with postmark dates after March 1st, but on or before March 31st, are subject to a $25.00 late fee. Dues received with postmark dates after March 31st will be returned with a notice indicating that:
1) the party’s membership has been terminated, and;
2) future membership requires submission of a membership application and payment of new member fees (c.f., Bylaws Article XI, Section 2). Dues paid with an NSF check are subject to a $25.00 returned check fee.
If personal hardship prevents timely payment of dues, contact a club officer who may arrange either for dues to be waived or for payment to be deferred.
Provide responses to all requested information and remember to include proof of current NRA membership. PROOF OF NRA MEMBERSHIP MUST BE DATED. A photocopy of a membership card of a magazine label (or the label itself) are acceptable forms of proof of current membership. (Some NRA membership cards lack dates. At present, magazine labels contain membership date information.)
Individuals who were accepted as members after October 1, 2023 are not required to pay membership dues for the 2024 calendar year; nevertheless, they do need to return the renewal form with proof of current NRA membership.
Updating the roster is a time-consuming activity. Deciphering illegible printing and contacting members to obtain proof of NRA membership are frustrating and time-consuming tasks.
Cleanup Day
Please join fellow members for work, lunch, and camaraderie at Cleanup Day, April 27, 2024. As usual, work will include target frame repairs, road grading, and the trimming of trees and brush along the lane. In addition, new seats will be assembled to replace those which have deteriorated or mysteriously disappeared. If you have suggestions for additional projects, please present them at the February meeting. A list of projects will be posted on the website https://fwrrclub.org/
Lock Combination Change
The lock combination change will be made on Cleanup Day (4/27/24). Retain your 2023 Membership Card until the change is made.
Dues Increase
Basic dues for 2024 were increase from $60.00 to $80.00 and will increase at a rate of $5.00 per year for the following four years. Individuals inducted before January 2024 will be grandfathered with regard to Senior and Life memberships under Article XI, Section 5 of the recently amended 2002 Bylaws. Individuals inducted after January 2024, who have been members for at least five consecutive years, are eligible for Life (dues free) membership in the year following their 70th birthday. Article XI, Sections 5 of the Bylaws will be amended to reflect these changes. The Bylaw revision will be mailed with 2024 Membership Cards.
Driving Off Road
TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE NEWLY INSTALLED SWALES*, IT IS NO LONGER PERMISSIBLE FOR ANY MEMBER TO DRIVE OFF ROAD TO THE 100 YARD TARGET FRAME. Soil conditions permitting, it is acceptable to drive on the grass downrange (west) of the 100-yard firing mound on the 300 yard range to access the 200 yard target frames. Do not drive across the 100-yard firing mound.
* swales are a low or hollow place, especially a marshy depression between ridges
Discipline Reports
ACPDL (Allen County Practical Defense League) *Click Name for more information
ACPDL matches will be held on February 3rd, March 2nd, and April 6th. Only ACPDL members are permitted to shoot. The pre-match meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. and shooting commences at 9:30 a.m. Matches are typically finished by 12:00 noon. Observers and those persons interested in becoming ACPDL members are welcome.
USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association) *Click Name for more information
USPSA matches will be held on March 3rd and April 24th. Match start time is 9:00 a.m. A practice session is scheduled for April 4th at 5:00 p.m.
High-power (HP)
Winter Offhand Matches are scheduled for February 10th and March 9th. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and match start time is 9:00 a.m. The next 50/80 round National Match course will be fired on April 20th. Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. and match start time is 8:00 a.m.
A Breakfast with the Juniors fund raiser will be held in March. Sausage and gravy will be on the menu. Please check the website for the date. A Winchester Model 94 “Count the Bullets in a Jar” event will be held at the breakfast. A maximum of 40 opportunities will be offered to count the bullets at a requested donation amount of $15.00/opportunity.
If you have young folks who are interested in HP rifle competition, please contact Larry Beardsley. Email: fwrrhpdirector@aol.com
Cowboy Action
The next Cowboy Action Match will be held on April 13. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. for regular matches and at 9:00 a.m. for voluntary side matches. Regular match start time is 10:00 a.m. The matches begin with a mandatory shooter’s meeting. The ammunition requirements for the regular match are 60 rounds for pistols, 60 rounds rifles, and 30 rounds for shotguns. Only lead bullets and shot are permitted. Shot may be no larger than #4 (shot sizes 4 – 9).
PCSL (Practical Competition Shooting League)
PCSL matches will be held on March 24th and April 28th. Match time is 10:00 a.m. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. New shooter orientation begins at 9:50 a.m. Rifles in caliber .223 and pistols in calibers 9 mm, .40 and .45 are used in this competition. Rounds counts are 120/match for rifles and 60/match for pistols.
Mowing Crew
Current Members of the Mowing Crew: Please contact Marty Didion
(Email: martindidion4@gmail.com or Text: (260) 633-0172) if you no longer wish to be on the Mowing Crew; otherwise, it will be assumed that you wish to continue to participate. If you are interested in joining the mowing crew, contact Marty Didion at the email and telephone numbers listed above.
New Members
Please welcome new member Jonathan D. Kline and Brian R. Rice who were inducted as full members at the December 2023 meeting.
Sad News
The club has learned of the passing of David B. Hazelet (membership date: October, 2000).
For Sale
Jaggi Shooting Glasses Frame with extra nose piece, lenses, blinders and case: $125.00. Contact Marty Didion at martindidion4@gmail.com.
Members who wish to sell shooting-related items may send ad information to Marty Didion at martindidion4@gmail.com. Ads must be received three weeks before meetings in order to appear in the next newsletter.