FWRR Junior Emma Branson Wins ISRPA EIC Match – And 8 Hard Leg Points

Emma Branson and her Dad, Geoff at the EIC Match on Saturday, 15 June 2024

On Saturday, June 15, Emma Branson  won the ISRPA EIC Match at Camp Atterbury with a score of 479-12x beating 30 other competitors. She was awarded 8 distinguished points, her first, and she will receive a Bronze EIC Medal as well as a gold CMP regional medal for her win. This win counts as her “hard” leg (a win of 8 or 10 points).  A shooter must achieve 30 points to become distinguished – one of which must be a hard leg.

Emma shot strings of 91-1X Offhand; 99-4X Rapid Sitting, 97-3X Rapid Prone and 192-4X Slow Prone.  Interestingly – none of these scores was a stage winner, but her consistency across the course took top honors for the day. Emma was two points ahead of fellow FWRR member Mike King who shot a 479-14X.

Congratulations Emma on an outstanding job, great way to begin your journey to becoming Distinguished!