WOW! What a match! One of the things I heard as feedback from shooters was that we should have more 3 x 20 300-yard prone matches, so I slipped in a 3 x 20 on the weekend before Mid-Summer Madness. And, to paraphrase from the movie; “Schedule It and They WiIl Come”.
We had twenty-one (that’s right, 21) shooters for the day and they came to shoot. Of the 21 shooters, four were Juniors and we were graced by one Great-Grand Senior shooter; Jack Baker from Lima, Ohio.

For most of the week we had been threatened with a rainy morning, but the rain held off until well into the afternoon and we shot the match under excellent conditions. We shot in two classes, iron sight and scope classes.
Iron Sight Match
“Target seven, another X .. target seven, another X …” and so on for a total of “Target seven, another X …” 47 times. Joe Bakies dominated in the iron sight tournament with a triple clean 600-47X. What a shooting lesson. The folks watching on their displays were shaking their heads in amazement. Great match Joe. Tom Bonner took second with a 587-19X and Norbert Norton was third with a 572-17X.

Scope Match
The scope match was an 18-shooter match and the shooters put up some impressive scores. Mark Walters took the top place with a 593-20X followed closely by Ron Dague with 592-31X; both shooting Match Rifles. Ashley Stevens from Maumee, Ohio was third with a Service Rifle and a 590-30X score. Two Match Rifle shooters closed out the top five – Mark Richard with 585-23X and Aaron Kohler with 582-15X.

Thanks to all of the shooters who came out for the day. We had a hiccup with one of the targets that made us shuffle shooters and target assignments – I appreciate everyone’s patience.
Our next Matches are the Mid-Summer Madness Weekend matches; a 50-round NMC on Friday afternoon June 7 at 4:30, an 80-round CMP Match on Saturday at 9:00 that will include the Indiana Junior High Power Championship – followed in the afternoon by a Garand/Service/Military Match. On Sunday we will shoot a 50-round NMC in the morning and another 50-round 100-yard match to close out the afternoon.