On Saturday, June 15, Emma Branson won the ISRPA EIC Match at Camp Atterbury with a score of 479-12x beating 30 other competitors. She was awarded 8 distinguished points, her first, and she will receive a Bronze EIC Medal as well as a gold CMP regional medal for her win. This win counts as her “hard” leg (a win of 8 or 10 points). A shooter must achieve 30 points to become distinguished – one of which must be a hard leg.
Emma shot strings of 91-1X Offhand; 99-4X Rapid Sitting, 97-3X Rapid Prone and 192-4X Slow Prone. Interestingly – none of these scores was a stage winner, but her consistency across the course took top honors for the day. Emma was two points ahead of fellow FWRR member Mike King who shot a 479-14X.
Congratulations Emma on an outstanding job, great way to begin your journey to becoming Distinguished!