We had a blow down at the range in the storms in the last couple of days. The Cottonwood tree at the south end of the 100-yard shelter blew down and did some damage to the corner of the roof and the rain gutters. Everything is functional, just a mess to cleanup.

It’s official now – the Indiana Junior High Championship Trophy has been updated to show that Madelyn Schnelle repeated, for the fourth time, as Indiana Junior High Power Champion. As the nameplates show, 2024 was her best score yet – dropping only 10 points across an 80-shot match.

The range signaling system is complete – the work at center line on the north pavilion was completed on Thursday, 27 June. All six switch stations are active and all four horns and strobes are working. Instructions for use of the system are posted on the door to the 100-yard building – please use the system to call a CEASE FIRE and to show when people are downrange. Revisions to the Range Rules will be forthcoming with instructions on when and how the system is to be used.
Thanks to Mike Grannis and Greg McClure for their help in putting the system together.