The 2021 – 2022 Winter Offhand season ended up with a Bang and a Brrrr.  Seven shooters showed up for what was arguably as cold and bitter a day as we had all winter.  It was somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 or 19 degrees, a 10 – 15 mph wind from about 2 o’clock in the shooters faces and intermittent sunshine and blinding lake effect snow squalls through the morning. 

How hard was it snowing? It was blowing so hard that we had to dig cases out of the snow!

Watery eyes, runny noses and cold fingers were the order of the day, but we adapted, improvised and overcame.  Of the group, no one said they should have stayed home – so it was a good day.

Carhartts, gloves, warm wooly cap and a handkerchief for runny eyes and nose. Not a bad offhand position either…

Notably, three of the seven shooters were the Junior girls.  They put on their dad’s bibs, their Carhartts, their wooly caps and their warm boots (well most of them put on warm boots..) and they went about the task of shooting.  According to one of these delicate little flowers;  ”Real women just bundle up and go on with business.”  Good work Ladies!

What a giggle of girls! This promises to be one great season.

Considering the weather, scores were pretty good, as usual. Mike and Mark abandoned us for warmer climates, they were at Malabar in Florida shooting the Orange Blossom Tournament this week. But, my sources in Florida tell me that it was a wet, windy day there – so they had their own weather issues.

The high shooter for the day was Doc Habel with a 359-3X.  Mark Walters was second, shooting a new (to him) iron sighted gun, with a 350-1X.  Third for the day was Gary Mabis, 347-3X.  The High Junior was Kileen Shaffer with a 295-1X.

This was the last match of the year, so we have the season results ready … drum roll please:

Top Division                                        Anchor Division                           Payout

First:  Mike King              1155-24X    Marshal Rohrbach     1084-11X     $45.00

Second:  Mark Richard  1112-18X      Kileen Shaffer             939-  2X     $30.00

Third:  Mark Walters     1105-13X       Aaron Kohler                 672- 4X      $15.00

Thanks to everyone who came out and shot with us this winter.  As usual, there were adventures – I don’t think I have ever seen a match called off because the targets blew away and the target stands broke off from the wind!

Who knows what we may have next winter – maybe a Snownado?

Our next match is the first 50/80 Match of the year on April 9th.  Registration and setup open about 7:30, we put the first shot downrange at 9:00.  I’m looking forward to seeing you there!