2023 Membership Renewal

2023 Membership Renewal Forms were mailed in early December.  Completed Membership Renewal Forms, proof of current NRA membership, and payments are due on January 1st each year. 

When responding, please read and follow the instructions at the top of the form. 

Dues must be received on or before March 1st to avoid late fees or termination of membership.

Dues received with postmark dates after March 1st, but on or before March 31st, are subject to a $25.00 late fee.

Dues received with postmark dates after March 31st will be returned with a notice indicating that:

1) the party’s membership has been terminated, and;

2) future membership requires submission of a membership application and payment of new member fees (c.f., Bylaws Article IX, Section 2). 

Dues paid with an NSF check are subject to a $25.00 returned check fee.

If personal hardship prevents timely payment of dues, contact a club officer who may arrange either for dues to be waived or for payment to be deferred.

Individuals who were accepted as members after October 1, 2022 are not required to pay membership dues tor the 2023 calendar year; nevertheless, they do need to return the renewal form with proof of current NRA membership.