One of the goals of the FWRR Junior Program is to share the sport of High Power shooting with young people who are not familiar with the discipline.  On Sunday, April 2 we had a unique opportunity to do this.  The DeKalb County 4-H Hotshots, a 4-H Club that specializes in a number of shooting activities (archery, air pistol, air rifle and .22 rimfire) asked us to make a presentation about High Power shooting to their group.

We decided to present a Mini-High Power Clinic concentrating on the topics of firearms safety, shooting equipment and shooting positions. And, who better to make these presentations that the Juniors themselves?  Our presenters were Kileen Shaffer (4-H Hotshots President). Addiysn Shull (4-H Hotshots Vice-President), Mia King (an Ohio 4-H presenter) and Tayt Shaffer (4-H Hotshot member).

We prepared brief 15-minute presentations based on material from the NRA and CMP training materials, we did a rehearsal of the presentations on a Thursday gathering at the range and we executed our plan.  A major part of 4-H is making presentations and demonstrations, so this Mini-Clinic worked into both the High Power and 4-H skill sets.  We had about sixteen 4-H members present and we were well received by the group.

The Juniors proved to be excellent Ambassadors for the Club. Now that we have the presentation, we may have the opportunity to do it for an Ohio 4-H Club.

We surprised Kileen with the presentation of her Modern Military Rifle Bronze Medal from the CMP Games Match
Addiysn and Mia show that getting properly strapped into your shooting jacket is an important part of many positions
Kileen shows the many items that make up a shooter’s equipment for a match
“This is an ECI”. Tayt and Mr. Beardsley stress the safety rules of “Muzzle, Action, Trigger and Target”.