The 2023 Summer High Power season got off to a good start on Saturday, April 8th.  Fourteen shooters, all five Juniors, came out of a bright but brisk day to see if equipment and bodies were ready for the upcoming season.  Since there were questions about both bodies and equipment, we shot this match as a Club match; scores were not sent to either the CMP or to the NRA. 

We took all the time we needed and there were a lot of sighter shots as folks warmed up.  On the equipment side, there were no major failures, but we did hear “I forgot my sling, does anyone have any extra earplugs, my tablet died” and the eternal “I forgot how to get into the server.”  As for body issues, the most common comment was; “Groan … I’m getting too old for this stuff”.  It was the usual set of high power complaints, nothing especially new.

The results (ranked by percentage) were:

First                      Mike King                    80 shots               781-27X               97.6%

Second                 Mark Walters              80 shots               764-22X               95.5%

Third                     Jeff Beierke                80 shots               752-15X               94.0%

Fourth                  Randy Jahn                 50 shots               467- 7X                93.4%

Fifth (Tie)             Doc Habel                   80 shots               744-15X               93.0%

                      Marshall Rohrbach           50 shots               465-  9X               93.0%

We had two new shooters join us for the match, Bradd Shull (Addiysn’s Dad) and Tayt Shaffer (Kileen’s younger brother).  Welcome to both of you, y’all come back, ya’ hear!

And, we learned that one of our long time high power shooters recently had some significant heart surgery.  Ron Dague is reportedly recovering well and will be back with us as soon as possible.  Get well Ron!

Our next match will be our annual CMP Games Match on Saturday, May 13th.  This match will start at 8:00 AM and we will shoot the 30-round Garand Match Course of fire; up to five sighters and ten shots for record Slow Prone, ten shots Rapid Prone and ten shots Offhand from 200-yards.  We will shoot categories for Modern Military, Unlimited Modern Military, M1 Garand (As-Issued and Unlimited), 1903/1903A3 Springfield and Vintage Military (1917 Enfield, 98 Mauser, Swiss Schmitt-Reuben… etc.).  We have a category for just about every safe rifle.  Bring all of your rifles, shoot in several categories or shoot the same rifle as a re-entry match.